Wednesday, September 23, 2009

See Jack. See Jack build bike...

See Jack. See Jack build bike. See Jack build bike and stomp mad sh*t to get a little love from the fine peeps over at

Jack "the maniac" Fogelquist is one of the more chatty mechanics here at Cycle Sport. You might not know that from talking to him (ironic, I know), but he's a chipper young lad once you get him up to speed in a conversation. He was recently signed to Banshee Bikes and is slowly but surely getting some good press on this here World Wide Web. Jack's fave photog, Justin Brantley, tossed a pretty solid shout out, via and managed to slather the post with Cycle Sport shop photos aplenty. There are ample pics of Jack, Jack's bikes, Jack building his bikes, and also of Jack. And for good measure, there are some more pictures of... Jack. Scroll down the Pinkbike post for a little Q&A with Mr. Steezy to get a glimpse into that mysterious mind of his.

And for you DYI'ers out there, take special note of this: Jack took a bit of a mad scientist approach to dialing in his Banshee Rampant slopestyle bike with some handy do-it-yourself trickery. In these shots you'll see evidence of Fogel gettin' rad and clamping components where they shadn't (see below*) be clamped. Not the first time this has been done, but there's no "Ask Jeeves" for this sort of move so he's pulled this one off all by his lonesome.

Take a good look at the post, and get in to Cycle Sport to start glad-handing this kid ASAP before he's too big of a slopestyle phenom to bother talking to you at all. He will, however, be more than happy to sign your chest. I've already had it done, and I'm never washing it again.

Click HERE to see Jack's article on

*Urban Dictionary, ladies and gents. Look it up:

1 comment:

  1. I guess I'll bring some sharpies on Monday ahah!
    that's so rad!
